Evangelization: Share the Good News of Jesus with Everyone!
- Give witness to God's love
- Participate in RCIA discussions
- Partner with community organizations
email: [email protected]
Spirituality: Enter more deeply into the Mystery of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
- Promote opportunities for spiritual growth
- Discern the educational needs of the parish
- Develop age-appropriate spiritual programs
email: [email protected]
Outreach: Respond to the Lord’s call to serve others!
- Provide time and resources to those in need
- Identify and help address corporal needs of the community
- Initiate new projects and support on-going programs
email: [email protected]
Liturgy and Worship: Transform hearts, lives and communities!
- Enhance liturgy and music associated with the celebration of the Eucharist
- Lead, recruit, and train altar servers, choir members, ushers and greeters, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and sacristans
- Join an altar guild
email: [email protected]
Fellowship: Engage parish community and friends in social experiences!
- Organize social events for all age groups
- Foster parishioner and neighbor friendships
- Deepen our sense of faith and community
email: [email protected]
Senior activities: Encourage socialization and participation in parish life!
- Engage in social and physical activities
- Enjoy community-oriented events
- Retain and enhance the sense of fun
- Enrich mind, body, and spirit
email: [email protected]
Youth: Engage young people in the life of the Church by growing their relationship with God!
- Increase their knowledge of the Catholic faith
- Raise awareness of fellowship and service
- Teach leadership in the community
email: [email protected]