1200 Shippan Avenue, Stamford CT 06902 | (203) 324-4634 MENU
Sacrament Preparation
First Eucharist and First Reconciliation - If you have a child in Grades 2, First Reconciliation & First Eucharist info applies to you.

What an exciting time in the life of your family! We are looking forward to working together to prepare your child to receive their sacraments!

Children’s First Communion and Reconciliation take place in Second Grade after a two year preparation period beginning in Grade One and ending with First Communion in May of Grade Two.

Confirmation - Confirmation - If you have a child in Grade 6, Confirmation info applies to you.

Confirmation is a four semester program starting with Pre-Confirmation sessions in 6th grade and culminating with the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the seventh grade. Preparation includes classes, guest speakers, field trips, retreats, liturgical participation and parish service.